Warm water enema

This will effectively cleanse the rectum and release toxins which may be causing headaches and flatulence. Its effects are superficial, but can be relied on whenever any of the other enema fluids are not readily available.

Herbal enemas

Make a strong infusion of herbal teas or a decoction of roots and bark, strain and cool. Use 2 teaspoons of herb per pint of water, 4 tsp for each quart. This may be made up in advance, but used preferably within 24 hours, though certain herbs keep up to 72 hours. However, once souring and scum appears, throw it away. It should be kept in a glass container in a fridge or cool place. Make herbal infusions or decoctions in stainless steel or enamelled pots only. The colon is very absorptive and very sensitive so ensure the water used is distilled or from a known pure source.

Catnip is mildly nervine, calming, soothing, relaxing. Effectively brings down fevers. Excellent for use with children. Chamomile is excellent for recuperative periods after illness or a healing crisis.

Detoxifying Enema

Make a decoction of yellow dock and burdock roots, then add red clover and red raspberry infusions. Stimulates the liver to dump bile, thereby relieving stress and pain in a healing crisis.

Slippery Elm is a mucilagenous, soothing, softening and nourishing enema. Excellent to give if you are having trouble eating or retaining food, as the bowel absorbs the nutrients.

Sage is warming and purifying.

Garlic injection

Profoundly purifying, an excellent aid in the treatment of worms. Liquidise 4 cloves in 1 pint of warm water and strain.


Witch hazel, bayberry, or white oak bark, used to help stop diarrhoea and dysentery.


Relieves inflammation, pain and bleeding (more effective if you add 2 tsp.liquid chlorophyll). Also aids healing process.

Wheatgrass implant

Inject pure chlorophyll juice of wheatgrass which restores positively to bowel and blood stream. Excellent for chronic diseases. Can be mixed with rejuvelac (water from soaking wheat).

Coffee Enema

The coffee enema is widely publicised these days as a part of cancer therapy and chronic care naturopathy. It is excellent to relieve healing crisis pain and discomfort, to stimulate the liver to dump bile by absorption of the coffee into the haemhorroidal veins and the portal vein, and to encourage deep cleansing of the colon by stimulating peristaltic activity. It is a regular part of the Gerson Therapy. The coffee enema is prepared by putting 3 tbsp. of organic coffee the strongest possible (not decaff) into 2 litres of distilled water which has just been brought to the boil. Continue on the boil for 3 minutes and then simmer on very low heat for 20 minutes. Cool. Strain and inject while at body temperature. Retain 10-15 minutes. This can be done every morning when on a detox programme or fast, and every hour during an acute healing crisis. The bowels continue to operate independently even when taking the coffee enema regularly and start functioning easily on their own after the coffee enema is discontinued. The coffee enema is recommended after a lymph massage to cleanse the colon of the lymph which has drained into the bowel, but not before sleep as it is too stimulating.

A herbal substitute for the coffee enema is: Red Clover, Yellow Dock root, Burdock and Red Raspberry.

Please note: These instructions are guidelines only. We accept no responsibility for the self-administration of enemas. As with all health procedures, it is recommended that you consult a relevant health professional before proceeding.